The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Staff of Sverdlovsk Region Investigations Directorate of Russia’s Investigative Committee congratulated Great Patriotic War veterans, who have dedicated many years to work for investigative bodies, on Victory Day

On the eve of Victory Day, senior officers and employees of the Sverdlovsk Region Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia visited three veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who after returning from the front dedicated many years of their lives to investigative work.

Leonid Yakovlevich Drapkin, an outstanding criminologist, Professor of the Ural State Law University, he volunteered for the army in June 1942, when he was only 17 and a half-year-old. First, he served in the Chelyabinsk aero mechanics school, from which he graduated in early 1943. And from March 1943, he fought as part of the 20th Sevastopol Guards Long-Range Bomber Aviation Regiment. He worked as a mechanic, then as an aircraft maintenance technician of an Il-4 bomber. His regiment bombarded German fortifications along the Dnieper River near Kiev, in Budapest, attacked Konigsberg, Berlin and other German strongholds. Leonid Yakovlevich Drapkin was demobilized only in 1949. After that he received his law degree in 1956 and joined the staff of the Sverdlovsk Region Prosecutor's Office. Until 1967 he worked as an investigator, a senior investigator and a forensic investigator. Then he devoted himself to criminology. Over many decades of his fruitful career, Leonid Yakovlevich Drapkin has achieved great success in this area: suffice it to say that for his contribution in criminology Leonid Yakovlevich Drapkin was awarded a degree of Doctor of Laws, the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation", the UN silver medal "For outstanding achievements in the development of criminology and forensics" and the A. Koni medal. His war decorations are no less significant, among them there are the Order of the Great Patriotic War I degree, medals "For the liberation of Warsaw", "For the Capture of Berlin", etc.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Krasilnikov was called up to military service in the summer of 1940. He served in the 234th Regiment of the NKVD. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he sought to get to the front. However, he was sent to the front only in July 1942 as part of the 150th Division of Siberians volunteers. He participated in the battles against the Nazis at the Kalinin Front. November 25, 1942, during the assault of German fortifications in the Belsky District, Smolensk Region he was badly wounded in the left shoulder, then his left arm was amputated. In April 1943, he was discharged for disability. After receiving a law degree in 1947, Nikolai Mikhailovich Krasilnikov joined the staff of the Sverdlovsk Region Prosecutor's Office, where he had worked for 38 years until he retired in 1985. For his military exploits and labor achievements, Nikolai Mikhailovich Krasilnikov was awarded many state and departmental awards: the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Great Patriotic War I degree, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, etc.

Ruvim Solomonovich Kurinets was called up to the military service at the age of 17 in August 1942. He first studied to be a rifleman, then an anti-tank rifleman, and then an anti-tank cannon gunner. The last military specialty he studied was a signalman. He defended our homeland as part of the 242nd Tank Brigade at three fronts - Northwest, Voronezh and 1st Ukrainian. During the Battle of Kursk, the signalman Kurinets was contused and wounded, but nevertheless he fixed communications link between his brigade and the forefront. Ruvim Solomonovich Kurinets met the long-awaited victory in Germany, South Silesia. After the war, he had served in the Ukraine until 1947, and then he returned to his native Sverdlovsk. He received his law degree and moved to the Chelyabinsk Region together with his wife. From 1961 to 1996 he worked as an investigator, an assistant prosecutor, a deputy prosecutor and the prosecutor of Troitsk, Chelyabinsk Region. He was awarded the Order of Glory I degree, the Order of the Great Patriotic War I degree, medals "For Valour", "For Military Merit", etc.

All these veterans of the bloodiest war were presented with flowers and gifts from senior officers of the Sverdlovsk Region Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee.

In addition, the eve of Victory Day, along with top officials of the Sverdlovsk Region and the heads of other law enforcement agencies, representatives of the Investigations Directorate took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to Marshal of the Soviet Union, a prominent commander of the Great Patriotic War, G. Zhukov.

Moreover, a solemn meeting dedicated to 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held in the building of the Sverdlovsk Region Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. During the event, the staff of the Investigations Directorate heard a congratulatory telegram from the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General of Justice A. Bastrykin, and watched a film about the members of the Investigative Committee killed in the line of duty. 

08 May 2014 12:35

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