The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Criminal investigation started into capture of Zvezda TV channel journalists in Ukraine

The Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched a criminal investigation into a crime under article 356 of the RF Penal Code (use of prohibited means and methods of warfare) after journalists of Russian TV Channel Zvezda Andrey Sushenkov and Anton Malyshev were captured in Ukraine.

According to investigators, Ukrainian military men, armed members of the so-called National Guard and Right Sector violated the Geneva Convention “On protection of civilians in time of war” and its additional protocols of 12.08.1949, when on 6 June 2014, they used firearms and illegally caught citizens of the Russian Federation journalists Andrey Sushenkov and Anton Malyshev, not taking part in the conflict, and held them hostage. After that they were transported to a military unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near the town of Izyum, Kharkov District, where they were kept until 9 June, subject to physical and moral sufferings, regular beatings and other abuses.

The victims have already been questioned in the Investigative Committee. Currently investigating operations are underway to identify the persons involved in the crime against the Russian citizens.

This criminal case has been filed with another criminal case opened earlier under part 1 of article 356 of the RF Penal Code over use by military men of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, armed members the National Guard and Right Sector of prohibited means and methods of warfare.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                       V.I. Markin

11 June 2014 15:20

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