The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Ingushetia officials of republican office of Federal Penitentiary Service and local resident to stand trial for fraud

The North Caucasus Federal District Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has finished investigating a criminal case against officials of the office of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Republic of Ingushetia Khamzat Kamurzoyev, Yelena Muradova, and unemployed resident of Ingushetia Muslim Ozdoyev. They are charged with a crime under part 3 of article 159.2 of the RF Penal Code (fraud with payouts).

According to investigators, in the period between 1 January and 30 April 2011, head of internal security office of the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Republic of Ingushetia Kamurzoyev knowing by virtue of his position, that one of his subordinates – senior operative agent of the internal security office Muradova had a child, motivated by mercenary interests offered her to steal money in the form of state subsidies and maternity capital by making forged documents that she had the second child. The woman agreed and by that entered into a previous concert with Kamurzoyev.

In the period between May and June 2011, Kamurzoyev, Muradova and other unidentified individuals made a forged childbirth report for Muradova and a corresponding medical report, and then used them to receive documents from the registry office stating that the woman had the second child. On 30 November 2011, Muradova filed all necessary documents to the office of the Russian Pension Fund to get a maternity capital certificate. After that she went to notary public Radimkhan Tatuyeva and signed two blanks, which were then filled in as a power of attorney for Ozdoyev enabling him to manage bank accounts and deposits, and an obligation to report to the Pension Fund on buying a real estate using the maternity capital as a common business ownership of hers, her husband’s and children’s. In addition, in the period between 26 December and 17 January 2012, the notary public notarized a copy of a forged state ownership certificate on a real estate located at non-existent address on the name of Muradova.

On 17 January 2012, Ozdoyev, in a previous concert with Kamurzoyev, Muradova and unidentified individuals, in order to realize their common criminal intent filed necessary doceumtns with Sunzha bank and concluded a loan contract on 390 thousand rubles on behalf of Muradova allegedly for buying a real estate located at non-existent address and then on 13 February 2012 he withdrew from Muradova’s personal account over 380 thousand rubles.

In addition, between 25 May 2011 and 25 November 2012 based on the forged documents Muradova received monthly child attendance allowances and a lump-sum childbirth allowance totaling to over 93 thousand rubles.

This way the accused and other unidentified individuals stole budgetary funds on a large scale of over 400 thousand rubles and spent it on their own needs.

The investigators have gathered enough evidence, therefore, the criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.

The criminal case against Tatuyeva was refused due to expiry of time limitation.

11 June 2014 10:15

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