The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Procedural check launched in media reports on deputy Khinshtein’s wrongdoings aboard plane

The investigating bodies of Moscow Interregional Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee are carrying out a procedural check on the report spread in media telling about wrongdoings by State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein.

It has been preliminarily found that in the evening of 29 May 2014, he was a passenger on flight No 1303 travelling from Mineralnye Vody to Moscow. Aboard the plane presumably drunk Khinshtein violated public order, started a quarrel with the crew and provoked them. In addition, during the whole flight and when the plane was landing, despite the flight security requirements and requests of the crew, as well as demands of the pilot, provided by paragraph 3.1.2 of the preflight and flight passenger code of conduct of OAO Aeroflot – Russian Airlines (hereinafter Passenger Code of Conduct), Khinshtein refused to take his seat or fasten his seat belt and stood in the aisle, spoke offensively about the passengers in business class, threatened to fire the senior flight attendant, obstructing the normal work of the crew and warned everybody that they should not “mess up with him”.

Due to Khinshtein’s disorderly behavior, refusal to take his seat and fasten his seat belt, the pilot signed a warning that the man should have stopped violating the Passenger Code of Conduct. Twice when a flight attendant tried to serve him with the warning, he tore it out of her hands and threw it on the floor.

This way, by his actions Khinshtein violated paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of the Passenger Code of Conduct, binding a person to unconditionally meet all reasonable requirements of a captain and obey instructions of other flight crew members, maintain discipline and order, and prohibiting creating situations posing risk for lives and health, honor and dignity of other passengers or crew members, or any assaultive act against them; preventing flight crew members from their duty or attending other passengers; creating conditions uncomfortable for other passengers.

All Khinshtein’s wrongdoings were filmed by passengers of business class on their cell phones.

The crew reported the situation to the terrain services at the Sheremtyevo airport, and the police.

If during the check those facts are confirmed and signs of the crime are found in Khinshtein’s actions, then Moscow Interregional Transport Investigations Directorate will initiate the procedure to get the ascent of the State Duma to prosecute its deputy.

17 June 2014 13:40

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