The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Vladimir Region members of organized criminal group to stand trial for illegal banking resulting in cashing over 5 billion rubles and over 100 million rubles of illegal profit

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for the Vladimir Region have finished investigating a criminal case against leader of an organized criminal group, 60-year-old resident of Vladimir, Valery Valkov. He is charged with crimes under paragraphs “a” and “b” of part 2 of article 172 of the RF Penal Code (illegal banking), part 2 of article 187 (making and selling forged billing documents by an organized group), part 1 of article 173.1 (illegal institution of a legal entity).

Members of the organized group Vyachslav Sorokin, Irina Olshanova and Mikhail Petrov were also prosecuted during the same investigation. They are charged with illegal banking, making and selling of forged billing documents (paragraphs “a” and “b” of part 2 of article 172 of the RF Penal Code, part 2 of article 187).

According to investigators, Valkov was no longer able of running construction and restoration business and came up with a scheme of making illegal money on illegal banking. Having qualities of a leader and being able of gaining people’s trust easily, he involved in his crimes his foster son Sorokin, his wife Olshanova, and friend Petrov, distributed their roles, retaining the authority and leadership to himself. To ensure that there would be no obstacles to his criminal activity the organizer of the crime multiple times changed his personal data in the registry office registering under different patronymics and family names – Volkov, Vaykov, Valkov.

The scheme involved forming and using phony firms, through settlement accounts of which he planned using forged billing documents to cash money for the legal entities, interested in cash services, getting cash, past financial and tax oversight. To do that, the members of the organized criminal group in the period between 2009 and 2013 found clients, who in mutual interest under the guise of paying for deliveries and services, loan contracts, transferred to the settlements accounts of Valkov’s firms between 300 thousand and 10 million rubles for one banking transaction. In using illegal techniques for cashing Valkov and the members of the group used settlement accounts of over 20 phony firms, as well as over a thousand of bank cards and bankbooks, which they made for a fee between 1 and 5 thousand rubles on the citizens not aware of their criminal intents. The involved money of the clients them were returned to them in cash minus 2 percent of the sum, which Valkov retained as commission charges for his services.

Over the time of their activity using loan institutions in the cities of Vladimir, Kaluga, Ivanovo, Moscow and the Moscow Region and other regions this way the accused cashed about 5 billion 200 million rubles with their profit standing at about 104 million rubles.

The law enforcement officials suppressed their illegal activity in March 2013.

There are 62 volumes of the criminal files in the case and 2 thousand pages of indictment. The investigators did a considerable amount of work to record the criminal scheme and consolidate the evidence, questioned over 400 people in different regions, and made over 150 seizures of documents from banks.

The criminal case against one of the accomplices was severed in a separate law suit as he had concluded a pretrial cooperation deal with the investigators, confessed to the crime and testified against other accomplices. The investigation against him is almost finished.

In addition, criminal files against a number of officials of loan institutions in Vladimir were also severed in a separate law suit, in whose actions the investigators found signs of a crime under article 204 of the RF Penal Code (commercial bribery) and against Moscow businessmen over their evasion of paying taxes and duties in illegal cash transactions.

Valkov is also charged with a crime under part 1 of article 135 of the RF Penal Code (sexual abuse of a minor).

According to investigators, in early 2013, the accused first in his car and later in his flat sexually abused a 15-year-old teenager, after that he gave him 6 thousand rubles as a fee.

In 1982 he was convicted of a sex crime committed against a physically challenged child suffering from serious mental and physical lapses.

The criminal case was investigated with an operative support from regional offices of the Federal Security Service and Interior Ministry and in cooperation with the officers of the prosecutor’s office and the Federal Financial Monitoring Service.

The criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to the Vladimir Region Court to be tried on the merits.

19 June 2014 12:53

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