The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Arkhangelsk region officials accused of embezzling more than 3 million rubles of budgetary funds face trial

Investigative agencies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Arkhangelsk Region and the Nenets Autonomous District have completed the investigation of the criminal case against the director of the municipal enterprise of the city of Mirny "Municipal-service" and his three accomplices - employees of the enterprise and the chief of one of the departments of the city administration - accused of committing an offense under Part 4 of Article 159 of the RF Criminal Code (large-scale fraud committed by a group of persons using official positions by prior conspiracy), as well as the former head of the administration - under Part 1 of Article 285 of the RF Criminal Code (abuse of power).

According to investigators, in June 2010, the defendants conspired to steal funds from the budget of the city of Mirny that had been allocated for the purchase of food for the needs of educational and medical institutions of the city. According to the plan, using his official position officials ensured the conclusion of the maximum possible number of agreements and contracts between municipal the municipal enreprise "Municipal-service" and agencies of the city of Myrny for the supply of food at prices inflated in comparison with market ones. The director of "Municipal-service" and his subordinates selected contractors that supplied food products at prices inflated by 10% compared to their selling price and returned them the relevant price difference.

Abusing his official powers and in violation of the law, the head of the municipality helped the director of "Municipal-service" to win the tenders with deliberately inflated prices, which led to a reduction of competition, and also allowed him to commit embezzlement of budgetary funds amounting to more than 3 million 900 thousand rubles.

During interrogations the former head of the administration and the director of the municipal enterprise did not plead guilty. As for their accomplices, they pleaded partially guilty.

The investigators have collected sufficient evidence. In connection with this, a criminal case with the confirmed indictment will be sent to the court for consideration on the merits.

08 May 2014 11:05

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