The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Trans-Baikal Territory flowers solemnly laid at Chita Memorial of Glory on eve of Victory Day

Together with students of Chita educational institutions, and for the purpose of patriotic education, the staff of the Trans-Baikal Territory Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation solemnly laid flowers at the Glory Memorial in the city of Chita thus commemorating those who will never come again, who had sacrificed their lives for the freedom and independence of our Motherland, on the eve of the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 May 6, 2014.

Also, the Trans-Baikal Territory Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation held festivities dedicated to the Victory Day. Congratulations were uttered, young professionals took the investigator’s oath, and gifts were presented at a solemn ceremony. When honoring veteran of investigating authorities I. Badmayev, the book of the Siberian Federal District "Investigative branch of Siberia. Historical milestones" containing materials on its activities and a memorable gift were presented to the latter. Gratitude was expressed to I. Badmayev for his honest and conscientious work; the investigator profession has become the main one for him. I. Badmayev wished young investigators adequately preserve the memory of those who had withstood and defeated fascism and be proud of the veterans’ feat.

Inmates of the Novo-Orlovsky patronized orphanage gave a concert containing compositions on military-patriotic themes to employees of the Investigations Directorate and veterans. 

07 May 2014 08:55

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