The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Staff of Kalmyk Republic Investigations Directorate of Russia’s Investigative Committee congratulated Great Patriotic War veteran on upcoming 69th anniversary of Victory Day

The staff of the Kalmyk Republic Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation congratulated veteran of investigating and prosecuting authorities and the Great Patriotic War Ivan Arkhipovich Safonov on the eve of the Great Victory Day.

In 1942, Ivan Arkhipovich Safonov was drafted into the Red Army and enrolled in a military school. In early April 1943, he was sent before time to the army field forces for the purpose of reinforcement of the 92nd Guards Rifle Division after the Battle of Stalingrad. He participated in his first fighting in July 1943, near Belgorod, then near Prokhorovka. Fighting all the way, he went from Belgorod to Kirovograd and Krivoy Rog, participated in the crossing of the Dnieper, went through Poland, East Germany and, in the spring of 1945, participated in a meeting with U.S. forces at the Oder River. He was wounded twice. He has 22 government awards for defense of the Fatherland, including the Order of the Great Patriotic War I degree, the Order of the Red Star, and medals "For Courage", "For the capture of Konigsberg".

After the war, graduating with honors from the Gorky Law School, Ivan Arkhipovich Safonov chose the legal profession and began his career as a people’s investigator at the Yaroslavl Region Prosecutor’s Office, where he subsequently worked as an assistant prosecutor and the district prosecutor. From 1966 he worked as Deputy Prosecutor of the Kalmyk ASSR, the Chief of the General Supervision Department at the Prosecutor’s Office of the republic.

He had to investigate the most complicated major theft committed by senior officials, heads of enterprises and institutions, and crimes and murders coupled with other crimes. Despite the high post of Republic Deputy Prosecutor, he often not only led the investigation into such cases, but also personally participated in the most important investigation operations. He spoke in courts as public prosecutor calling for well-deserved conviction of criminals.

He has more than a dozen criminal investigations to his credit. For example, in January 1969, as deputy prosecutor of the Kalmyk ASSR, he led the investigation into the case of embezzlement of funds on a large scale, committed by a group of persons which comprised 30 specialists and other employees of the Polevaya Inter-District Cattle Farm, Chernozemelsky District, headed by former Director of the cattle farm. 21 of them appeared in court, and proceedings against the rest of them were terminated on non-rehabilitative grounds. Ivan Arkhipovich Safonov personally conducted interrogations on the most important episodes of the theft, and made other, more complex investigation operations. Thanks to the measures that had been taken during the investigation material damage caused by theft and amounting to 90 thousand rubles was avoided and fully compensated by the accused before the trial. The criminal case consisted of 46 volumes, the indictment comprised 300 sheets. He also acted as ​​public prosecutor in that case, which was considered by the Republic Supreme Court of First Instance. The accused were defended by 12 lawyers, including those who had arrived from Moscow. Professionally conducted investigation and competently built accusation had contributed to the fact that all criminals were fully convicted of committing embezzlement of public funds and sentenced, and its organizers were imprisoned for a long time. The decision was upheld by the Supreme Court of the RSFSR.

Ivan Arkhipovich Safonov has been repeatedly awarded for his great contribution to strengthening the rule of law; he has the medal "For Valiant Labor", the title of "Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Kalmykia" and the badge "Honorary Worker of the Russian Federation Prosecutor's Office".

He is an example of high professionalism, hard work, integrity and honesty for young lawyers.

April 15, 2014, Ivan Safonov Arkhipovich celebrated his 90th birthday. Pursuant to an order of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin, he was awarded the medal "For assistance" for assisting in the detection and investigation of crimes, ensuring the successful operation of investigations units, and participating in the patriotic education of young employees of the Investigations Directorate at a ceremony in his honor. 

07 May 2014 08:21

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