The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Bashkortostan Investigative Committee employees held events devoted to 69th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War

A solemn meeting of employees of the Bashkortostan Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation dedicated to the 69th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was held on May 7, 2014.

A greeting speech was delivered by Acting Head of the Investigations Directorate Rim Akhatovich Gabdullin, who congratulated all those present on the upcoming holiday.

Among those invited to the meeting were veteran of prosecuting authorities Rif Khabibullovich Vakhitov and inmates of the patronized Ufa orphanage No.9, who also made a congratulatory speech.

Employees of the Investigations Directorate were awarded medals for the faithful performance of their duties and high professionalism, effective and impeccable long-term service, the achievement of high standard of performance and fulfillment of especially important and complex assignments and earned gratitude for the exemplary performance of duty and personal contribution to the work.

In accordance with a good tradition of the Bashkortostan Investigations Directorate, young specialists took the investigator’s oath on the eve of Victory Day.

At the end of the event, together with patronized orphanage inmates, employees of the Investigations Directorate laid flowers at the monument to Heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 Alexander Matrosov and Minigali Gubaidullin in the Victory Park in the city of Ufa.  

07 May 2014 08:10

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