The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Moscow one of organizers of over 5-billion-ruble fraud of illegal VAT compensation arrested in absentia

The Main Investigations Directorate continues investigating a criminal case over stealing from federal budget by illegal compensation of VAT by phony firms committed in 2009-2010. Today at the request of the investigators a court ruled in absentia to remand in custody Sergey Danilochkin charged with 11 counts of a crime under part 4 of article 159 of the RF Penal Code (fraud committed by an organized group on an especially large scale).

We remind that earlier the same charges have been pressed against Lada Kiselyova, Vyacheslav Sinaysky, Alexander Amelichev and Tatyana Kozlova.

ccording to investigators, in the period between February 2009 and December 2010 the abovementioned members of an organized criminal group stole from federal budget a total of over 5 billion rubles disguised as compensation of VAT. The said money was paid to sham companies – OOO Lutsia, OOO Atlantida, OOO Krona, OOO Russian Park, OOO ExpressFinance, OOO BusinessConsult, OOO Alfa-Stroy, OOO ExpoTrade, OOO Malakhit, OOO Art Project, OOO Alda in connection with alleged non-selling during the tax period the national consumption goods, which were non-existent. The forged tax documents were submitted to offices of the Federal Tax Service No 25 and 28 in Moscow, which organized cross checks by personnel of other tax offices in Moscow and Moscow Region and the Office of the Interior Ministry in the Southwestern administrative district of Moscow. The investigators have found out the role of each of the accomplices. This way, Danilochkin ran general management of the criminal group, recruited new members, organized withdrawal of stolen money abroad using friendly banks. Kiselyova and Kozlov supervised the work of accountants, so-called designers, who made bookkeeping documents, managed accounts of the sham companies under the system bank-client. Amelichev organized a net of couriers, who for a fee found nominal directors for sham companies, controlled their opening settlement accounts in banks. Sinaysky was in charge of contacts with the Office of the Interior Ministry in the Southwestern administrative district of Moscow, helped them to falsify revisions of storehouses, where allegedly the goods subject to VAT compensation due to non-selling were stored. Sinaysky used mediators to involve people who for a fee played roles of people in charge of storehouses and loaders, on which the operatives made forged documents.

At present Mikhail Kokorev, deputy head of financial checks department of office of the Federal Tax Service No 25 is being prosecuted for a crime under article 286 of the RF Penal Code – exceeding official powers. According to investigators, during financial audits in the companies Alfa-Stroy and Art Project, Kokorev forged their results and made forged reports on revision of storehouses. The court has ruled to arrest Kokorev pending the trial. In all there are 6 employees of tax bodies prosecuted for fictitious tax inspections.

At the petition of investigators the court ruled to remand Sinaysky and Amelichev in custody. Danilochkin and Kiselyova escaped from investigators and their whereabouts are unknown.

It should be reminded that former operatives of offices of the Office of the Interior Ministry in the Southwestern administrative district of Moscow Dmitry Khristoforov and Sergey Oganov, who forged the said documents that there actually were storehouses with goods of OOO Lutsia, OOO Atlantida, OOO Krona, OOO ExpressFinance and OOO BusinessConsult have already been sentenced to long prison terms.

The investigators carry on identifying other accomplices, who organized contact of the members of the criminal group with employees of tax bodies, who carried out financial and cross checks. Investigation is ongoing.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                     V.I. Markin

14 July 2014 13:00

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