The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Chuvashia head of district center to stand trial for exceeding authority while moving citizens from ramshackle houses

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for the Chuvash Republic have completed investigating a criminal case against the head of Yalchiki rural settlement, Yalchiki District. He is charged with a crime under part 2 of article 286 of the RF Penal Code (exceeding official authorities).

According to investigators, in 2008, the accused under a threat of terminating current agreements of social hire of houses without providing other well-appointed housing, inclined nine tenants in house No 14 in Ivanov street and in house No 7 in Yubileynaya street in the village of Yakchiki, Yalchiki District, recognized unfit for living, to co-invest in building houses for them while this was the obligation of the Yalchiki rural settlement. The tenants were forced to conclude contracts with the developer and paid his expenses standing at 890 thousand rubles. In August-September 2009, the official provided the tenants with flats in the new house, which was built partly on their money on social hire agreements. However, under the agreement between the Chuvash Ministry of Construction and the administration of Yalchiki District the republic’s budget had allocated 10 million 700 thousand rubles for moving the citizens from ramshackle houses in Yalchiki District, while the budget and other non-budget resources of Yalchiki rural settlement had to provide another 1 million 320 thousand rubles.

The wrongdoing of the accused had been revealed during an investigation against former head of the same rural settlement charged with a crime under part 2 of article 286 of the RF Penal Code (exceeding official authorities). According to investigators, in 2006, the ex-official misled 17 tenants of house No 17 in Sovetskaya street in the village of Yalchiki about possibility to privatize their flats only if they pay for reconstruction of the house. Breeching the law the house was recognized ramshackle, though could have been recognized only conducive to accident and subject to be taken down, which would have bind the municipality to provide the tenants with other houses under social hire agreements. As a result, the tenants were forced to conclude with a municipal enterprise of the housing and communal services so-called “agreements on business stake in building social houses” and basically paid the expenses of the enterprise on reconstructing the house standing at over 2 million 800 thousand rubles. In fact, though the victims basically financed the reconstruction, they acquired the right to privatize the flats only few years after they had concluded with the settlement adequate agreements on social hire in 2008-2011. Moreover, contrary to the law they paid for their right to privatize. Families of three more tenants refused to fulfill the official’s requirements. During the reconstruction the tenants had to handle the matter of finding a place to live on their own: they rented flats or lived at their relatives’ houses; two families who had nowhere to go stayed in the building without communal services, including central heating in autumn and winter.

The investigators have gathered enough evidence, therefore, the criminal cases against former and current heads of Yalchiki rural settlement have been sent to court to be tried on the merits.

04 August 2014 09:20

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