The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Vladimir Region criminal investigation launched into death of child at hospital

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for the Vladimir Region have launched a criminal investigation into death of a girl (part 2 of article 109 of the RF Penal Code – reckless homicide due to improper discharge of professional duty).

According to investigators, in May 2014, in Gus-Khrustalny District a girl 2.5 years of age fell and developed a hematoma in her chest. Her parents got worried and went to a local hospital. After an examination, a pediatrician aware that the child had a congenital disease and required special medical care and supervision, without further careful examination or diagnosis referred the patent to a dermatoveneorlogic hospital. There a dermatologist prescribed medication. On the second appointment the doctor saw no positive dynamics and referred the girl to a child’s surgeon. The latter examined the girl and referred her to a traumatologist, who prescribed various ointments. Seeing no improvements, in June 2014, the pediatrician of the regional hospital referred the patient to a consultation at the regional children’s clinical hospital. After an examination and some tests, a specialist explained to the parents that if there were no changes, they would have to see him again in six months. As the girl’s condition became more and more worrisome, on 1 August 2014, she was hospitalized at the regional children’s clinical hospital, where for the first time she received a concrete diagnosis of neurofibromatosis. The doctors sent documents to the republican clinic to specify the tactics of treatment and possible hospitalization and discharged the girl on 8 August. On 19 August 2014, after a recommended Mantoux test, the parents again took their daughter to the regional children’s clinical hospital, however, due to her acute respiratory disease the doctors sent her back home. Since 20 August 2014, the girl started developing irreversible processes. She was then transferred to the city of Vladimir, where after some tests, doctors diagnosed acute leukemia. On 22 August, the girl died at the resuscitation department of the regional hospital.

At present investigative operations are underway to find out all the circumstances of the incident. The investigators are looking into qualifications and adequacy of actions (inaction) of medical specialists on all stages of treatment. The investigation is ongoing.

04 September 2014 10:30

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