The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Primorye Territory officers and civilians charged with stealing

Vladivostok garrison Military Investigations Department of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has pressed charges against head of 1976th department of Marine Engineering Service Viktor Dranitsin, supervisor of repairs and operation section of Vladivostok branch of Slavyanka public corporation Konstantin Semyonov, an employee of Facility Manager of Frunze District of Vladivostok Yevgeny Masyuk and an employee of a service center in Vladivostok Yevgeny Kirichenko. They are charged with a crime under part 4 of article 159 of the RF Penal Code (fraud, that is stealing of another’s property committed by an organized group on a very large scale).

According to investigators, in the period between 2011 and 2013, Dranitsin aware that there were empty, not provided to military servants flats in houses on Davydov Street in Vladivostok concealed the information from territorial offices of Housing Department of the Russian Defense Ministry and competent bodies of Vladivostok.

To misappropriate the flats, Dranitsin and Semyonov united into an organized criminal group and involved Masyuk and Kirichenko. According to the distribution of the roles Semyonov arranged for the third parts to be registered in flats, Dranitsin prepared and approved forged documents, enabling alienation and ownership right, while Kirichenko and Masyuk based on the forged documents registered the ownership for themselves and them sold the flats. The members of the criminal group registered and sold 3 flats worth over 10 million rubles.

At present the investigating operations are underway, necessary analyses are being run. The investigation is ongoing.

10 September 2014 12:15

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