The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Moscow Region man found guilty of raping and killing two students and imprisoned for life

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region sufficient to convict a Moldova National Vadim Grigoryan. He was found guilty of crimes under paragraphs “a” and “j” of part 2 of article 105 (murder of two people aggravated by rape), paragraph “b” of part 2 of article 131 (rape and threat with murder – 2 counts), paragraph “b” of part 2 of article 132 (sexual abuse and threat with murder) and paragraph “c” of part 2 of article 158 of the RF Penal Code (theft).

The court and investigators found that on 13 July 2012, two students were coming back from a holiday village to Moscow. On 97th km of the Leningrad highway they tried to catch a car to be back home sooner. Grigoryan saw the two girls, stopped and offered to give them a lift. On the way he turned to a cart road leading to the children’s summer camp Ryabinka near the village of Kuchi, Istra District. He beat the girls, sexually abused them, strangled and fled the scene.

When the officers were arresting him Grigoryan did not admit the crime and even denied that he was at the crime scene. Later he changed his statement several times and under the burden of the evidence, including results of DNA tests, he admitted his guilt. However, when the final charges were pressed the accused again changed the course, refused to admit his guilt and denied having been involved in the crime. Grigryan underwent psychological evaluation and was found sane.

It should be said, that during a preliminary investigation the investigator did a huge amount of work, including around 40 interrogations, re-enactments of the crime, verifications of testimony at the crime scene, over 20 analyses, including 9 DNA tests. The said operations provided irrefutable evidence of Grigoryan’s guilt. There are 9 volumes of files in the case, and 2 volumes of indictment (516 pages).

The court has sentenced Grigoryan to life in prison to be served in a special-regime penal colony. The court also awarded 6 million rubles of damages to be paid to the victims’ relatives.

10 September 2014 12:32

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