The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Novosibirsk criminal case opened against director of Regional Marketing Agency

During an investigation in stealing in 2012 2.7 million rubles from the budget of the Novosibirsk Region allocated to hold international innovation forum Interra 2012, investigators came across another crime committed by the director of state-controlled institution of the Novosibirsk Region Regional Marketing Agency. The 5th investigations office of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case against her over a crime under part 3 of article 160 of the RF Penal Code (embezzlement).

According to investigators, the accused in 2013 embezzled the budgetary funds entrusted to her by transferring them to accounts of Novosibirsk City Attorney Bar and an audit service controlled by the chairperson of this attorney bar. The funds were transferred as pay for consultations and legal advice allegedly provided to Regional Marketing Agency, based on forged commissions of services made by lawyers of the said attorney bar.

The offices of the attorneys and the audit firm were searched and investigators confiscated electronic data carriers, documents and objects relevant for the investigation. Employees of the said bar are also being checked on involvement in the crime.

The director of Regional Marketing Agency has been detained and investigators are considering the restraint.

In the core criminal case the charges of fraud (article 159 of the RF Penal Code) have been pressed against director of OOO Agency of Advertisement and PR B-52 Dmitry Petrov and director of Interra Lada Yurchenko. Petrov was remanded in custody, Yurchenko was released on recognizance.

09 October 2014 06:00

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