The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Sverdlovsk Region former director of children’s home to appear in court for abuse of office and misappropriation of money

The Sverdlovsk Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has finished investigating a criminal case against a 55-year-old resident of the town of Beryozovsk, former director of Yekaterinburg home for mentally retarded children. She is charged with crimes under part 1 of article 285 of the RF Penal Code (abuse of authority) and part 3 of article 160 (misappropriation of property of others committed using official position).

According to investigators, in the period between April 2011 and 2014, the accused while being the director of the children’s home abused her authority by letting on lease residences owned by some of the inmates of the Yekaterinburg children’s home. It has been found that she let three flats and two rooms in a flat owned by four inmates on lease to at knowingly understated rent to her subordinates, workers of social facilities and others. This way the inmates suffered considerable material loss when the income got from managing their property was not transferred to their accounts. In all, the accused caused the inmates material loss of over 1 million 800 thousand rubles.

In addition, the investigators have found that in 2012 the accused misappropriated 100 thousand rubles allocated as social incentive to one of the inmates of the Yekaterinburg children’s home to repair the residence she was the owner of.

The investigators have gathered enough evidence, so the criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.

14 October 2014 10:48

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