The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

International conference held in Academy of Russia’s Investigative Committee

An international conference: “Criminalistics – past, present, future: achievements and prospects of development” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of criminalistics service in Russia takes place on 16 October 2014 at the Academy of the Russia’s Investigative Committee.

The panel of the conference includes Vice-Chairman of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Alexander Fyodorov, Acting Chancellor of the Academy of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Anatoly Bagmet, Head of the Main Criminalistics Department Alexander Ivanov, Chairman of the Council of regional NGO Union of Veterans of Investigation Vladimir Dontsov, Assistant Chairman of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Yuri Lekanov, Advisor of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Alexander Sukharev.

In his speech Mr. Ivanov noted that at present the Main Criminalistics Department of the Central Office of the Russia’s Investigative Committee employs 150 employees and over 1.5 thousand people in territorial investigating divisions across the country. He also said that over the current period 2014 the percentage of criminal cases solved was 93%. Mr. Fyodorov pointed out a great role plaid by a new area in criminalistics – a method of investigating acts of corruption committed by legal entities and said about positive practice of introducing criminal liability of legal entities in a number of foreign countries.

Not only members of the panel, but leading Russian and foreign scientists in the area of criminal and criminal procedure law and criminalistics made speeches at the conference. Among them were the Director of Forensic Investigation Institute; Head of Forensic Investigation Department at O.Y. Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Ph.D. in law Yelena Rossinskaya, Professor of Criminal Legal Disciplines of Kharkov National University of Interior of Ukraine, Ph.D. in law Valentina Korzh, as well as scientists inform Moscow, Moscow Region, Udmurtia, Adygea and other regions.

At present the participants of the conference go on exchanging scientific achievements and practices in the field of criminalistics.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                     V.I. Markin

16 October 2014 13:50

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