The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

International conference held in Investigative Committee Academy

International conference: “Collaboration of state authorities in investigating acts of corruption: problems and solutions” was held on 23 Octboer 2014 at the Russia’s Investigative Committee Academy. The Conference was dedicated to the 100 anniversary of outstanding Russian scientist Nikolai Alekseyev.

The Conference was presided over by Chairman of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin. The presidium included acting Chancellor of the Academy Anatoly Bagmet, Advisor to the Prosecutor General of Russia, President of interregional public foundation Outstanding Military and Naval Commanders of the Fatherland Alexander Sukharev, Mr. Alekseyev’s daughter Yelena Alekseyeva, Head of Criminal Process and Criminalistics Department of Saint-Petersburg State University, member of the Federation Council Alexey Aleksandrov.

Participants of the Conference saw documentary “Recollection of future: Professor N.S. Alekseyev”, made by the Investigative Committee Academy and ordered by the Russia’s Investigative Committee.

Mr. Bastrykin made a welcoming speech. He thanked the head of the Alekseyev’s documentary project. “The main merit of film makers is that they managed to convey the character of Professor Alekseyev, his human streaks. For students the most important quality of teachers of that time was that they had fought for our homeland. Many of them were wounded, went through the whole war. You don’t lie being on the front, you fight and protect your homeland. And if there is one thing real about us, it is the merit of teachers of that generation, who had fought the war, and Mr. Alekseyev had been one of them”, - noted the Chairman. Yelena Alekseyeva also thanked the film makers and Mr. Bastrykin for the attention paid by the Investigative Committee to her father’s memory. She gave to the Museum of the Investigative Committee Academy several things that had belonged to her father. Mr. Sukharev, who had known Mr. Alekseyev very well, in his speech remembered about a great contribution he had made in preparation for and holding of the Nuremberg Trials, about his role in combat with different manifestations of Fascism.

Not only members of the presidium made reports at the Conference, but leading Russian and foreign scientists in the field of criminal law and criminal procedure, as well as criminalistics. Among them was Head of Organizational and Analytical Support Department of Russian President Anti-Corruption Office Yevgeny Kuzmin, Chancellor of Russian Legal and Notarial System Gasan Merzoyev, Professor of O.Y. Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Ph.D. in law Vladimir Dzhatiyev, Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Department of International Law Faculty of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Russian Foreign Ministry, editor-in-chief of “Library of a criminalist. Scientific magazine”, “Library of criminal law and criminalistics”, Ph.D. in law Alexander Volevodz.

The Conference discussed the gaps in the law on criminal responsibility for corruption (international legal aspect), collaboration and differentiation of powers of state authorities in investigating the crimes, the role of Russian investigating bodies, prosecutor’s office and lawyers in combating corruption, as well as pressing matters of cooperation between mass media and investigating bodies during investigation in acts of corruption.

In addition, it should be noted, that in autumn 2015, Saint-Petersburg will host the sixth session of Conference of the UN Convention against Corruption signatory states. The coming Conference is going to make decisions and resolutions regulating procedures and rules of activities aimed at reaching the goals of the Convention, including assisting to exchange of experience regarding the forms of corruption, successful methods of fighting against it, and containing recommendations to the signatory states.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                      V.I. Markin

24 October 2014 13:30

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