The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Moscow Region four men charged with sex abuse of minors

The Moscow Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have charged four residents of Moscow Region with a series of sex crimes against minors (paragraph “a” of part 3, paragraph “b” of part 4 of article 132 of the RF Penal Code).

It has been reported earlier that several people established a firm to organize holidays and studies of children both in Russia and abroad. The said persons accompanied children to different places and there committed their illegal actions.

During the searches in the office and residences of the suspects the investigators have confiscated system units, tablet computers, laptop computers, a lot of DVDs and CDs, cameras, video cameras, the contents of which are going to be carefully studied. In addition, they confiscated objects and documents which possibly might be relevant for the investigation.

Two of the suspects confessed to the crimes, the rest of them refused to testify referring to article 51 of the Russian Constitution.

It has also been revealed that one of the suspects in 2003 was prosecuted for crimes under articles 135 and 327 of the RF Penal Code. Due to the fact that the man suffers from a mental disorder, a court has ruled to subject him to compulsory medical treatment.

At the request filed by the investigators with court, the accused have been taken in custody.

It should be pointed out that the victims’ parents have filed a request with the investigators to not to disclose their personal details. Therefore, the Investigative Committee warns journalists against violating the laws of the Russian Federation and their constitutional bases. I would like to warn those who are trying to find the victims and get an exclusive story: The RF Criminal Code provides for a maximum punishment of up to 5 years in jail for illegal distribution of information indicating personality of an underage victim.

28 October 2014 11:38

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