The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Komi Republic during investigation in murder of girl criminal case launched in negligence of officials who let tragedy happen

Komi Republic investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continue investigating a criminal case over murder of a two-year-old girl from Ezhva district of the town of Syktyvkar (paragraph “c” of part 2 of article 105 of the RF Penal Code). The charges have been pressed against a 24-year-old partner of the girl’s mother. He is kept in custody.

According to investigators, in the afternoon of 8 October 2014, the man beat the 2-year-old daughter of his 26-year-old partner hard. At that time the woman was away in the town. When she came back, she saw the child unconscious and called an ambulance. The doctors diagnosed a closed heat injury with brain contusion, multiple injuries, bruises, scratches to the body and head. The child was in intensive care for 2 days, but died on 10 October 2014.

During the prove the investigators have received information that the bodies in charge of prevention of child neglect and crimes committed by minors in Ezhva district of Syktyvkar had failed to conduct proper prevention work in the girl’s family, which resulted in serious consequences. Considering that the Komi Republic investigating bodies have launched a criminal investigation in a crime under part 2 of article 239 of the RF Penal Code (negligence entailing death of a person by negligence). The Russia’s Investigative Committee is going to give tough legal assessment to the actions (omission) of officials of guardianship authorities, social protection authorities, juvenile office of the local police department, juvenile commission, district police officer, and courts of justice that were in charge of ensuring and overseeing observance of children’s rights. At present a number of investigative operations are underway to identify all officials who had neglected their duty and let the tragedy happen.

The investigators also continue investigating a criminal case opened against the girl’s mother suspected of failing to raise her daughter and leaving her in danger (articles 156 and 125 of the RF Penal Code). According to investigators the woman had to support a small girl, but failed to perform her parental duty, did not take care about her health, her physical, mental, spiritual or moral development, but let her partner treat her harshly and being obliged to take care of a small baby left her in a state dangerous for her health and life. Additionally, it has been revealed that the woman’s partner, charged with the girl’s murder, has previous police records and there was a criminal investigation launched against him over beating the girl, but it was closed as the girl’s mother dropped the charges.

At present investigative operations are under way to find out all the circumstances of the crimes, receive and consolidate the evidence. Besides, the investigations directorate is analyzing reasons and conditions that contributed to the said crimes. The criminal cases are under control of the Russian Investigative Committee’s senior officials.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                     V.I. Markin

26 November 2014 16:39

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