The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigative Committee holds meeting of Advisory Council on assisting orphans and children left without parental care

On 27 November 2014, the Russia’s Investigative Committee held a meeting of the Advisory Council of the Russia’s Investigative Committee on assisting orphans and children deprived of parental care presided over by Chairman of the Committee Alexander Bastrykin. The meeting was dedicated to prevention and reveal of facts of violence against orphans in foster families and improvement of controlling measures taken by guardianship authorities.

It was attended by Government Counselor of Justice, Prosecutor General of the USSR Alexander Sukharev, Acting Chancellor of the Investigative Committee Academy Anatoly Bagmet, Chairman of the Council of the “Union of investigation veterans” Vladimir Dontsov, President of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans’ Affairs Olga Batalina, Deputy Governor of Tomsk Region on Social Policy Chingis Akatayev, Deputy Minister – Head of the Office for Facilities of Special Education and Protection of Minors’ Rights of the Saratov Region Ministry of Education, responsible representative of Volunteer Organizations Association of the Volunteer Association “Search for the Missing” Dmitry Vtorov, representatives of education and guardianship authorities and psychological assistance centers.

In his speech Investigative Committee Chairman Alexander Bastrykin gave statistics of criminal cases processed by investigators of the Committee and noted that over 9 months of 2014 over 11 thousand minors (11,126) were recognized victims of crimes. Each 8th child became victim of criminal actions committed against them by close people or family members (12.1%). In addition, Mr. Bastrykin stressed that that “investigators use all procedural capacities to take preventive measures in full. In 2013 alone, requests on elimination of reasons and conditions contributing to crimes and other violations of law were filed in over 9 thousand criminal cases (9,385) with minors as victims”.

Members of the Advisory Council noted the necessity to change current administrative and criminal laws, improve system of control carried out by NGOs over the said matters, develop an algorithm of providing help to families and children in difficult life situation, consider possibility of involving mass media in prevention of crimes committed against orphans.

Following the meeting offers will be prepared and filed with corresponding state authorities.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                      V.I. Markin

27 November 2014 17:15

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