The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Perm Territory criminal investigation launched on after two boys left kindergarten without permission

In the afternoon of 17 December 2014, in Kirov district in the town of Perm two 6-year-old boys left kindergarten without permission and went to the Kama river. Near the bank one of the boys fell under the ice and was saved by a passing man. The Perm Territory investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched a criminal case into a crime under part 1 of article 238 of the RF Penal Code (providing services that do not meet life and health safety standards).

According to investigators in the afternoon on 17 December 2014 two children aged 6 stayed unattended by the staff of kindergarten No 409 located in Volgodonskaya street. They left the facility on their own and made their way to the Kama river. When near the river, one of the boys went onto the ice and fell into a hole, and the other boy scared and ran back to the facility. An eye witness saved the drowning boy.

At present necessary investigating and procedural operations are underway to find all circumstances of and reasons for the incident. The investigators are going to assess actions (omission) of the kindergarten staff, who let the boys go. The investigation is ongoing.

23 December 2014 07:55

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