The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Arkhangelsk Region Investigative Committee investigator holds a robber

On 19 January 2015, in the town of Severodvinsk, a 32-year-old man using physical violence snatched a bag containing documents, a cell phone and some money from a 68-year-old woman, a doctor. The crime was witnessed by Deputy Head of Severodvinsk Investigations Department of the Arkhangelsk Region and Nenets Autonomous Area Investigations Directorate Andrey Silin. He caught the robber and held him until the police came.

During an initial investigation it has been found that the suspect is registered in the narcological dispensary and the day before committed another similar crime against a 76-year-old woman. The man signed the document saying that he had surrendered.

At present investigators are checking him on having been involved in other unsolved robberies in Severodvinsk.  

21 January 2015 09:45

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