The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Vladimir Region member of organized criminal group of black realtors who committed serious and very serious crimes against human lives and property convicted

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by Vladimir Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict a 36-year-old resident of the city of Vladimir. He was found guilty of 20 crimes under part 4 of article 159 of the RF Penal Code (fraud) and part 1 of article 327 (falsification of documents).

The court and investigators have found that in 2009, the accused joined a criminal group organized by a national of the near abroad for enrichment by misappropriation of flats including by killing owners or tenants.

By 2012, there were 10 members in the group, who implicitly obeyed to the leader and the hierarchical rules, were united by ethnical and family community.

All the members of the gang systematically changed cell phone numbers and addresses to hide the traces of the crimes. After they illegally got hold of ownership rights, they concluded fictitious deals using forged and real passports.

After the deal was concluded the leader of the group decided where to place the victim for temporary living or to get rid of them.

To implement their plans the members of the group involved their relatives or friends unaware of criminal activity of the group.

The members of the group found flats inhabited by single, alcohol addicted people, got hold of their IDs and documents confirming their ownership which they then used to make deals with honest buyers.

The black realtors deceived at least 20 citizens, whose flats they misappropriated. To cover the traces of their scams the perpetrators committed 5 murders, including one in Yaroslavl Region.

On those deals the members of the group made over 40 million rubles which them were divided among the members at the leader’s option.

The 36-year-old resident of Vladimir gained confidence of victims, built relationships by regular visits , supplying them with foodstuffs and alcohol drinks, and then when he could completely control their behavior got the documents.

He forged passports, selling agreements, deeds of gifts by different means and then filed them with state bodies for registration.

During the probe the accused cooperated with investigators, confessed to the crimes and exposed other members of the group.

The court sentenced the accused to 8 years to be served in a maximum-security penal colony.

The investigation against the leader and 7 members of the group is about to be finished. 

12 February 2015 10:08

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