The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Magadan former head of regional construction department suspected of abuse of authority

Magadan Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched a criminal investigation against former head of construction department of Magadan Region administration. He is suspected of a crime under paragraph “c” of part 3 of article 286 of the RF Penal Code (abuse of authority involving grave consequences).

According to investigators, in November 2012, under a regional target specific program the department and a company signed a state contract on construction of a sports and health complex in the town of Susuman before August 2014. After that the suspect aware that the contractor was not constructing the facility, signed certificates of completion and cost certificates that contained false information.

Later on, without any legal reasons, the suspect permitted the contractor to make considerable changes to the project, namely concerning the foundation and after that signed the documents confirming that the work had been done. However, that work did not meet legal requirements and did not ensure the safety of the facility.

In late 2013, the construction was suspended and in November 2014, the contractor was announced bankrupt. As a result of the suspect’s actions the regional and federal budgets suffered a loss of about 63 million rubles.

The criminal case was opened based on the prosecutor’s check. At present a number of investigative operations are under way to find out all the circumstances of the crime. The investigation is ongoing. 

21 February 2015 10:42

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