The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Bryansk officials of child neglect and underage offences prevention checked following media reports on brutal treatment of children

Bryansk Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched a check concerning officials in charge of child neglect and underage offences prevention following a number of reports published in mass media about criminal prosecution of a husband and wife from Bryansk regarding their failure to properly discharge the duty of raising three small children.

The police already launched a criminal investigation against the parents who kept their children in insanitation and were completely uninvolved in their raising. The case was opened in a crime under article 156 of the RF Penal Code – Failure to fulfill duties of raising a minor.

In their turn, investigators are going to assess the thoroughness and timeliness of measures taken by the authorities that are in charge of protecting rights and legal interests of minors. In addition, the regional investigations directorate has applied to the prosecutor’s office requesting to transfer the case in the Russia’s Investigative Committee for further inquest. 

25 February 2015 13:16

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