The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Altai Territory investigation launched in negligence of officials of Shelabolikha District prevention and social protection authorities entailing death of a boy

Altai Territory investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched a criminal investigation in a crime under part 2 of article 293 of the RF Penal Code (negligence entailing death of a person).

According to investigators, a dead body of an 8-year-old boy was found in an outhouse of his house in the village of Verkh-Kuchuk, Shelabolikha District in the morning of 19 February 2015. The 49-year-old de facto husband of the boy’s mother was arrested on the suspicion of the murder. It was revealed that in the evening of 18 February 2015, the suspect while being drunk stabbed the boy in the neck and took the body outside.

During a preliminary investigation it was revealed that the boy had been raised in socially dangerous conditions: the parents abused alcohol, the boy went to school rarely. In addition, the place where he had lived did not meet sanitation requirements and he often had left his home to find some food. The officials of Shelabolikha District prevention and social protection authorities were aware of the fact that the parents had failed to discharge their parental duties. However, the officials had disregarded the fact for a long time and had not taken any measures to help the family.

During the inquest the investigation are going to find cause and effect relation between omission of the officials and the murder. The investigation is ongoing. 

25 February 2015 14:09

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