The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

On 24 March 2015, Head of Main Organization and Inspection Department of Investigative Committee Col. Gen. of Justice Anatoly Korotkov, 68

Col. Gen. of Justice Korotkov devoted his life to serving the law, choosing hard work of an investigator, prosecution official, head of an investigative authority.

In 1969, Mr. Korotkov graduated from Kharkov Law Institute, served in the Soviet Army and the next 23 years worked in the military prosecutor’s office going a long and hard way from a military investigator to a senior major investigator of the Chief Military Prosecutor. He investigated crimes committed by service men not only in peace time, but during military actions in flashpoints. He led investigations as Deputy Military Prosecutor of Leningrad Military District, Deputy Head of Investigations Directorate of the Chief Military Prosecutor’s Office.

Between 1993 and 1998, Mr. Korotkov’s profound professional knowledge and extensive experience were made use of in the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

For almost 10 years Mr. Korotkov headed leading divisions of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation responsible for organizational, methodological and analytical activity in preliminary investigation. He was one of the authors of Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Mr. Korotkov’s extensive knowledge and organizational talent were fully realized in creating legal framework and building in short time the system of the Russia’s Investigative Committee, creating its legal bases and organizational mechanisms of its activity. Mr. Korotkov became the head of a division in the new federal state body and made a great contribution in its development.

Mr. Korotkov’s many-year work was appreciated by the state. For impeccable service he was awarded 3 degree order “For Service to Homeland in the USSR Armed Forces” and many medals.

By his daily hard work Mr. Korotkov strived for the triumph of law, took active part in improvement of criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation. He generously shared his extensive professional and life experience with his colleagues. He was the author of several books and manuals for investigators.

The honored employee of the prosecutor’s office, Honored Official of the Investigative Committee, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation Mr. Korotkov was an eminent professional, active organizer, principled, responsible, exigent, compassionate and caring leader. His personnel held him in high regard and liked him sincerely.

We are mourning our loss and will remember him as honest, wise, open, light and cheerful person, a hardworking officer, who fulfilled his duty to the Fatherland till the end.

Memory of Col. Gen. of Justice Anatoly Korotkov will live in our hearts forever.

27 March 2015 19:10

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