The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra businessman arrested under investigation in death of boy in Filin water park

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee during a probe in the death of an 8-year-old boy in the Filin water park have detained the owner of the facility. He is charged with a crime under paragraph “c” of part 2 of article 238 of the RF Penal Code (execution of work or delivering services that do not meet life or health safety standards of consumers involving death of a person by negligence).

According to investigators, on 26 March 2015, the 8-year-old boy accompanied by his mother’s acquaintance was in the Filin water park in the village of Finsky, Surgut. At the moment when the woman went away from the swimming pool to the café to get some food for the boy, the child, who could not swim and had no life jacket on, got into a swimming pool between 100 and 140 cm deep designed for children aged between 9 and 15 and drowned.

After having confiscated and studied the documents of the facility, the investigators revealed that violating sanitary requirements and regulations the facility had not had an instructor who had to help in case of an emergency, a medical worker or a medical room. During an interrogation the businessman did not admit his guilt and refused to make statements. Following a request filed by the investigators a court has ruled to place the man in custody pending trial.

At present nobody is allowed at the water part and the keys to it have been confiscated from the owner. The investigation is ongoing. 

27 March 2015 17:09

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