The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Udmurtia local man charged with killing two children to appear in court

Udmurtia investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigating a criminal case against Konstantin Russkikh, 24, from the village of Balezino. He is charged with crimes under paragraphs “a”, “c” and “j” of part 2 of article 105 of the RF Penal Code (murder of two children for the purpose of hiding another crime), paragraph “b” of part 4 of article 131 (rape of a child), paragraph “b” of part 4 of article 132 (sexual abuse of a teenager under 14 – 4 counts), part 1 of article 135 (lecherous actions), paragraph “c” of part 4 of article 228.1 (illegal selling of drugs to minors), paragraph “a” of part 3 of article 230 (compassing minors to taking drugs).

At night of 27 October 2014, a 33-year-old woman reported to law enforcement bodies that her two children had gone missing: a 13-year-old boy and 11-year-old daughter. During the search operation the dead bodies of both children were found on the next day, in the woods not far from the village Balezino.

To investigate the crime an investigative team of 36 investigators and criminalists of the Investigations Directorate for Udmurtia was set up involving operatives of the Ministry of the Interior. Officials of the Main Criminalistics Department of the Investigative Committee joined the probe immediately.

There were 7 theories and to check them all the investigators questioned over 700 witnesses of 17 thousand people living in the village of Balezino, checked over 160 suspicious individuals. A number of expert examinations were run: medical ones, traceological, DNA tests, chemical and dactylographic.

The investigative and search operations zeroed in on a circle of individuals who had to be checked first. This circle included Konstantin Russkikh, 24, a local resident, who had come to the office of the children’s mother. The fact that Russkikh had been released from prison in May 2014 and had served the time for rape explained why he was to be checked one of the first. He was brought in for questioning and produced an alibi for the period of time when the crime had been committed. However, his alibi was disproved by the evidence gathered during the probe. A DNA test ran in the shortest possible time by the officials of the Main Criminalistics Department showed that it was Russkikh, who had committed the crime. Besides, from the analysis ran in equipment criminalistics office of the Main Criminalistics Department using specialized equipment the investigators managed to get information on Russkikh’s movements on the day of the crime, that is he had gone the way from the place where children went missing and to the place where the bodies were found.

According to investigators, on 27 October 2014, in the evening, drunk Russkikh met the brother and sister and lured them into the woods not far from Balezino, where he raped the girl and then killed her brother. During the on-site check Russkikh showed his actions in detail.

During the probe the investigators revealed another series of sex crimes committed by the accused against children and cases of illegal drug dealing and compassing minors to take drugs.

The investigators have gathered enough evidence so the criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits. 

10 April 2015 08:41

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