The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Omsk Region Finance Minister dismissed following investigators’ request

During the investigation in illegal transfer of over 1 billion of budget funds to pay in advance to OOO NPO Mostovik (scientific production association NPO Mostovik), following a request filed by Omsk Region investigating bodies a court has ruled to dismiss Omsk Region Finance Minister Rita Fomina.

The reason for the request was the fact that Fomina by virtue of her powers is able to influence the witnesses and the victim’s representative, who are her subordinates, and thus to obstruct the investigation. She can also continue to commit wrongdoings related to her position.

According to investigators, in 2013-2014, the Omsk Region minister of transportation complex development Oleg Ilyushin exceeded his authority acting deliberately and violating the law signed a number of orders based on which over 1.2 billion rubles was transferred to OOO NPO Mostovik as prepayment under state contracts on construction of Krasnogorsk hydroelectric complex, sector Fyodorovka – Alexandrovka of a circular road in Omsk and the underground railway. In one case when transferring money for construction of the underground railway the former minister acted together with Omsk Region Finance Minister Rita Fomina by having illegally allocated over 200 million rubles to CEO of Mostovik Oleg Shishov to be loaned up in a bank. As a result of those wrongdoings Omsk Region budget suffered damage of over 1.2 billion rubles.

Earlier former Minister of transportation complex development Oleg Ilyushin and Finance Minister Rita Fomina were charged with a crime under paragraph “c’ of part 3 of article 286 of the RF Penal Code (abuse of power) based on the evidence gathered by the investigators. The accused were released in recognizance. 

22 May 2015 13:38

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