The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigative Committee holds first online workshop on urgent issues of media relations

For the first time since its establishment the Russia’s Investigative Committee has held a workshop using modern technologies namely videoconference communication. The workshop chaired by Head of Media Relations Department of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin discussed urgent issues of media relations. The workshop was attended by all heads of main investigations directorates and directorates of federal subjects and specialized investigations directorates equal to them, as well as their senior aides responsible for media and public relations.

The participants discussed the results of media and public relations in 2014 and past period of 2015. During webinar’s intense interactive part the participants shared their views of new methods, innovative approaches and which is most important certain forms of interaction with media in changed social economic and political situations. At the end of the interactive part the officials worked out a single concept of information policy applied to the coverage of Committee’s activity.

State bodies are often blamed for reflective approaches to performance and use of obsolete methods that do not meet requirements of the age of information. Maybe it is true for some agencies. However, the Investigative Committee has always been notable for the attention it pays to new working processes related to both management and public relations. Efficient use with social networks, interaction with online and offline media, online conferences – use of these and other mechanisms gives the Investigative Committee the right to set the highest standard in information work and a guideline for other agencies.

The online format of the workshop is not only due to saving, but to modern-time stereotypes dictating us the necessity to develop new forms of information procession generated by all divisions of the Russia’s Investigative Committee.   

27 May 2015 13:12

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