The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

In Greece former resident of Kazan found guilty of committing grave crimes in Tatarstan

The Thessaloniki Apellate Court recognised the evidence collected by Tatarstan investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation as sufficient to convict the former resident of the city of Kazan, Avtandil Yanakov, who was found guilty of committing a number of grave and especially grave crimes.

Recall, On September 17, 2008, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan issued a verdict against 20 members of the Kazan organized criminal group "Kvartala". They were found guilty of organizing and participating in a criminal group, committing banditry, 17 murders, 12 armed attacks, illegally possesssing weapons, kidnapping, extortiing and destroying other people's property. Two of the defendants were sentenced to life imprisonment. The rest of them got from 3 years and 10 months to 24 years in prison.

Avtandil Yanakov accused of organizing the criminal group "Kvartala" and committing a number of grave and especially grave crimes, managed to escape in Greece, which resident he was. In 2009, case files against Yanakov were sent to the competent authorities of Greece for prosecution.

The court sentenced Yanakov convicted of inciting the premediated attempted assassination as part of a group, organizing and participating in an organized group, and sentenced him to 14 years in prison.

09 July 2015 15:15

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