The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigative committee ready to provide international tribunals with evidence of crimes committed by Ukrainian armed units

The main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continues investigating into use of prohibited means and methods of warfare in Donbass (article 356 of the RF Penal Code) and other crimes committed by representatives of Ukrainian armed units against civilians and Russian citizens.

Since the moment the first case into prohibited means and ways of warfare was opened, investigators have been carefully and meticulously gathering evidence. At the moment the Investigative Committee is investigating 54 criminal cases on similar accounts. Over 100 thousand people have been questioned, about 20 thousand of them were recognized victims to the crimes. It is clear from their statements that towns and villages of Donbass are regularly shelled by Ukrainian armed forces. Civilians died, residential blocks, buildings, hospitals, schools and infrastructure were destroyed.

To substantiate their words the witnesses gave us a lot of fragments and splinters of ammunition, which the investigators joined to the records together with other material evidence. According to the results of comprehensive technical forensic expert examinations there are fragments and parts of shells of heavy weaponry, including such reactive volley fire systems as Grad and Uragan.

In addition, a chemical test of soil samples given to us by refugees from Ukraine, has shown that it contains combustion residue of H-17 stuffed into mines and aerial bombs. Basically, this is a more fatal kind of shells that used to be stuffed with white phosphorus and these are the shells the Ukrainian army used against civilians. In all, Over 150 forensic tests were assigned during the investigation.

All the evidence is gathered in over 2,500 volumes of the criminal case. The Russia’s Investigative Committee is ready to give those materials to any international tribunal. But we will continue our investigation all the same.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                                           V.I. Markin

09 July 2015 10:18

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