The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Check launched in Astrakhan over media reports on detention of Russian tanker in Tripoli, Libya

A number of media have published information that the Mechanic Chebotaryov tanker was detained in the port of Libyan capital Tripoli. The investigating bodies of the Southern Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee are carrying out a preliminary check into the fact.

According to the information published in media, the Mechanic Chbotaryov tanker, home port Astrakhan, was detained in the port of Tripoli, the capital city of Libya on 17 September 2015. The tanker was on its way to Libya from Rostov-on-Don. 11 Russian citizens are detained.

At present a check is underway to find out what exactly happened. A procedural decision will be made following the check. 

17 September 2015 12:55

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