The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Thanks to measures taken by investigators top managers of OAO Glavmosstroy pays off overdue wages

The investigating bodies of the Moscow Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative committee continue investigation in a crime under part 2 of article 145.1 of the RF Penal Code (overdue wages).

Thanks to the timely-made decision to start the investigation in failure to pay wages by top managers of OAO Glavmosstroy for over two months and a set of investigative and search operations, the managers of the firm paid off the debt to their workers completely.

It was reported earlier that the top managers of OAO Glavmosstroy with no apparent reason did not pay their workers over 76 million rubles worth of wages or other bonuses for six months, from September 2014 to January 2015. Of course, we are glad that the people finally got the money they honestly earned, but that does not release the company’s top managers from the responsibility for their crime. I intentionally focus on this so that nobody thinks (I address to the top managers who abuses passiveness and honesty of their workers) that they can make their employees work for free for months or even years and then when it comes to the push (there is an ongoing investigation against them) they simply do a “favor” – pay their debt and there are no consequences for them. In all such cases and in Glavmosstroy case in particular I’ll explain that the case will be finished and all the guilty ones will answer for their crimes. For your information, part 2 of article 145.1 bears up to 3 years in jail.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                                                 V.I. Markin

18 September 2015 16:27

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