The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Rybinsk mayor found guilty of embezzlement and bribery and jailed

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the first investigations department of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict mayor of the town of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region Yuri Lastochkin. He was found guilty of crimes under part 4 of article 160 of the RF Penal Code (embezzlement) and part 6 of article 290 (bribery).

The court and investigators have revealed that in 2009, Lastochkin while being the CEO of OAO NPO Saturn and using his position alienated real asset of the company to ZAO Stroiengineering controlled by him, causing the damage of over 112 million rubles. In addition, in 2013, while being mayor of Rybinsk, Lastochkin demanded from a citizen 2 million rubles for assisting with appointing him the CEO of Teploenergo. His assistant Gennady Telegin was his middleman, he received the money from the businessman and passed them on to Lastochkin. Telegin was held in October 2013, when receiving another part of bribe of 1 million rubles.

The court sentenced Lastochkin to 8.5 years in a maximum-security penal colony and a fine of 140 million rubles. 

23 September 2015 14:26

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