The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Alexander Bastrykin holds first meeting of Public Coordination Council for aid to children of southeast of Ukraine

Chairman of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has made a decision to set up the Public Coordination Council of the Russia’s Investigative Committee for aid to children of southeast of Ukraine.

The Council is an advisory body. Its objective is to systematize the activity aimed at solving problems facing the families that have children suffering from wounds or diseases and arriving in Russia from the southeast of Ukraine, for treatment and rehabilitation of whom resources, infrastructure and special qualification are needed that are currently unavailable or insufficient in their homeland.

The first meeting of the Council was held today. Mr. Bastrykin made a speech at the meeting. The meeting was also attended by: president of the national medicine chamber Leonid Roshal, director of the Children Aid and Obstetrics Service Department of the Russian Ministry of Health Yelena Baybarina, creative director of Modern theater Svetlana Vragova, president of the Synodal Information Department of Moscow Patriarch Vladimir Legoyda, president of the Synodal Church Charity and Social Service Department of Moscow Patriarch Arkady Shatov (father Panteleymon), director of Information and Advertisement Department of OAO Rosneft Oil Company Mikhail Leontyev, children’s ombudsperson for Moscow Region Oksana Pushkina, employees of the Central Office of the Russia’s Investigative Committee and representatives of the Moscow Main Investigations Directorate.

In his speech, Mr. Bastrykin noted that “the Investigative Committee is investigating over 50 criminal cases over murders of civilians in the southeast of Ukraine and use of prohibited means and methods of warfare. Those crimes are committed against children as well. Over 2 thousand minors have been recognized victims in those cases. The Investigative Committee from the very beginning have patronized all underage patients arriving from the southeast of Ukraine, has constantly assisted them and their families with their problems”. Mr. Bastrykin expressed special gratitude to president of the national medicine chamber Leonid Roshal and all the doctors who are providing children with highly-qualified and professional aid.

The Council has a number of important missions: drafting offers on creation of algorithm of actions of state bodies, institutions, officials and medical organizations to reveal wounded or ill children who are needed to be delivered in Russia to get medical aid and rehabilitation; on transportation of such children and attending relatives, provision of accommodation and meals, hygiene items, clothes, medical supplies and resolving issues connected with legal registration of their staying in Russia and with moving to the place of residence in the southeast of Ukraine.

In addition, the Council has to consider the most complicated situations connected with staying, treatment and rehabilitation of wounded or ill children arriving from the southeast of Ukraine in Russia; organization of providing them with necessary aid.

The members of the Council paid attention to development of recommendations on prevention of doing harm to children from the southeast of Ukraine by mines and other explosive projectiles.

To implement its tasks the Council plans to involve in its activity and help to children from the southeast of Ukraine and their families state officials, representatives of medical, religious and charity organizations, institutions of culture, public associations, media and concerned people.

At the end of the meeting Mr. Bastrykin thanked all the members of the Council for their support to join their efforts in resolving urgent problems facing the families with wounded or seriously-ill children living in the southeast of Ukraine.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                                       V.I. Markin 

29 September 2015 17:41

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