The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Investigation in killing of karate world champion Anton Krivosheyev finished in Novosibirsk Region

The Novosibirsk Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigation against a 66-year-old worker of a service center. He is charged with crimes under part 1 of article 222 of the RF Penal Code (illegal purchase, storage and transportation of firearm ammunition), part 1 of article 105 (murder) and part 1 of article 166 (car theft).

According to investigators, on 25 May 2015, dead body of 25-year-old Anton Krivosheyev was found near a road not far from a gardening association in Oktyabrsky district of the city of Novosibirsk with gunshot wounds in the back. The suspect was held just a few days after, thanks to coherent and well-planned actions of the officials of the Novosibirsk Region Investigations Directorate and police officers. It is a worker of a service center who had repaired the victim’s car. The victim had complained about not good enough work done on the car’s bumper and the two men had a conflict during which the accused shot the victim five times. Krivosheyev died on the spot. To hide the traces of the crime, the accused threw the gun away and drove off Krivosheyev’s car to a parking lot. After that he put the body, which he had packed in advance, in his car and took it to one of gardening associations, where he dumped it covering with branches.

During the initial investigation the accused was remanded in custody pending trial. He confessed to the murder.

The investigators have enough evidence, so the indictment has been approved and in the near future the criminal case is going to be sent to court to be tried on the merits. 

09 October 2015 08:51

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