The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Shota Elizbarashvili suspected of complicity in killing three in Krasnogorsk District, Moscow Region remanded in custody following request of investigators

Following the request of an investigator of the Moscow Region Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee a court has ruled to place Shota Elizbarashvili suspected of complicity in the murder of three people and illegal circulation of firearms (part 5 of article 33, paragraph “a” of part 2 of article 105 of the RF Penal Code and part 1 of article 222) in custody pending trial.

According to investigators, on 19 October 2015, Elizbarashvili brought Amiran Georgadze to the crime scene, the building of Krasnogorsk District Administration. After that he took from the car’s trunk a bag with guns, brought it to the office of the First Deputy Head of Krasnogorsk District Yuri Karaulov and gave to Georgadze. After Georgadze committed the double killing, Elizbarashvili took the bag back to the car and brought Georgadze to the second crime scene, a mansion in the village of Posdnyakovo. The suspect knew that Georgadze had appointed a meeting there with his business partner Tristan Zakaidze. Later the suspect also took the bag with guns into the house and gave it to Georgadze and after the murder took it back to the car.

It has to be noted that when the men started arguing in the office of the first deputy head of the district administration, Georgadze gave his cell phone to Elizbarashvili so that he could make a video.

It was also revealed that after the murder of his business partner, Georgadze told Elizbarashvili to go to the house of Head of Krasnogorsk District Administration Boris Rasskazov (the driver knew that Georgadze had a gun). Near Rasskazpv’s house Georgadze got out the car and sat near the road to wait for the official. At that moment, a man was going by in his car, saw Georgadze on the ground and stopped to offer him help, thinking that the man was unwell, but Georgadze shot at the man several times. And that was when Elizbarashvili ran away from his boss. It is amazing why Elizbarashvili had not done it earlier, because he had had several chances to run away from his boss and the crime scene or even try to stop Georgadze from killing people.

At present, a number of investigative and search operations are underway to find Amiran Georgadze. He is wanted. In addition, He is charged in absentia with four murders (part 2 of article 105 of the RF Penal Code).

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                                         V.I. Markin 

22 October 2015 15:00

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