The investigative committee of the Russian Federation

Former deputy head of investigation office of Novosibirsk Region Main Office of Interior Ministry jailed

A court has recognized the evidence collected by the fifth investigations department of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in the city of Novosibirsk sufficient to convict former deputy head of investigation office of the Novosibirsk Region Main Office of the Russian Interior Ministry Sergey Dubovik. He was found guilty of a crime under part 4 of article 159 of the RF Penal Code (fraud committed by a person using their official position on a very large scale).

The court and investigators revealed that in 2008 Dubovik aware that an investigator was going to wrap up a criminal investigation due to the lack of crime in the actions of the head of a commercial firm, decided to steal money from businessmen using his official position. For that he misled them about his assisting in closing the case. After that Dubovik received 2 million rubles through the businessmen’s lawyer as a bribe for his alleged assistance.

After the case was initiated in April 2010, Dubovik hid from investigators and was wanted internationally for a long time. On 29 April 2014, Dubovik was held and remanded in custody pending a trial.

The court has sentenced Dubovik to 5 years in a minimum-security penal colony and a fine of 800 thousand rubles. 

27 October 2015 16:29

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