Hearings of case against Inessa Tarverdiyeva and members of her gang who committed attacks on citizens and law-enforcement officials start in Rostov Region
Preliminary hearings of a case against Inessa Tarverdiyeva, her daughter Viktoria Tarverdiyeva, Sergey Sinelnik and his wife Anastasia Sinelnik started today in Rostov Region Court. Depending on the role of each one of them, they are charged with crimes under parts 1 and 2 of article 209, paragraphs “a”, “c”, “e”, “h” of part 2 of article 105, part 3 of article 30, paragraphs “a” and “c” of part 4 of article 162, part 4 of article 226 and part 3 of article 222 of the RF Penal Code (creation and membership in a gang, murder of two or more people, robbery, stealing of firearms, illegal circulation of firearms).
According to investigators, Inessa Tarverdiyeva together with her civil husband Roman Podkopayev set up an armed stable group (gang) in 2007 to attack citizens, including law enforcement officers in the Rostov Region in order to rob them of their belongings and firearms. Later the gang was joined by traffic inspector of Aksay District Traffic Police Service Sergey Sinelnik with his wife Anastasia who also was Podkopayev’s sister, and Tarverdiyeva’s daughter Viktoria.
Inessa Tarverdiyeva together with Podkopayev planned and led the activity of the gang, its financial provision, prepared and planned carefully the crimes. Sinelnik actively helped the gang to conceal the traces of the crimes, hid the gangsters, including in his own home, after they had committed another crime, indicated for them the victims and places of the crimes and ensured that they were safely transported to the crime scenes and back and helped to sell the stolen things. He also provided the gangsters with a radio station they used to eavesdrop on the conversations between police officers.
The gang acted in Stavropol Territory and Rostov Region from July 2007 to September 2013. Over that period the gangsters committed a lot of murders, attempts on lives of law-enforcement officials, robberies, thefts of firearms and other things. Among other crimes, Tarverdiyeva and her accomplices are charged with murder of Dmitry Chudakov, his wife and two small children committed in 2009 at the Don federal motorway.
On 8 September 2013, intending to hide after another murder, Podkopayev and Rarverdiyeva got noticed by the police and opened fire from PM pistols. One of the police officers and Podkopayev were killed on the spot during the fire exchange.
Tarverdiyeva partially admitted her guilt in the crimes, explaining that she had taken part in robbery-related attacks and murders of Lyubetsky, Krist, Kulkov, Sazonov, Zlydnev, Botnaryuk, the Chudakovs, attempted murder of Vasilyeva. Tarverdiyeva’s involvement in the crimes was confirmed by searches and confiscations, examinations, results of forensic tests, testimonies given by victims and witnesses and other evidence.
The investigators have enough evidence so the criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.
Head of Media Relations V.I. Markin
05 November 2015 11:20
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