
In Chukotka Autonomous Area, probe launched in explosion of electric water heater in block of flats

The Chukotka Autonomous Area Directorate of the Investigative Committee has opened a criminal investigation in a crime under Part 1 of Article 238 of the RF Penal Code (production, storage, transportation or selling of goods or products, fulfillment of work or rendering services that do not meet safety standards) after an explosion in a block of flats in Beregovaya Street in the town of Anadyr.

According to the investigation, the explosion happened in a flat on the top floor of the three-floor building. The explosion brought down the ceiling and roof and part of the stairs between the second and third floors. A woman, who was outside the building at the moment of the explosion, was taken to hospital. The degree of harm to her health is being determined. There have been no reports on other victims so far.

The main version the investigators are considering is overheating of an electric water heater with a faulty heat regulator. The investigators and criminalists have examined the scene, but so far have found no traces of explosives. Additionally, a gas explosion is not considered.