
Yuri Chabuyev arrested in Khovansky cemetery shootout probe

The Moscow Directorate of the Investigative Committee continues the investigation into the murder of three people during a shootout and hooliganism on Khovasnskoye cemetery. There are 14 people under investigation including the head of the Moscow territorial department of ritual services No 3, Ritual, a state-financed institution Yuri Chabuyev and former police officer of the Khamovniki District Police Department Nikita Moshenko. Depending on the role of each one they are suspected of crimes under Part 2, items “a” and “g” of Article 105 of the RF Penal Code (murder of two or more people committed by a group of people in collision), Part 1 of Article 222 (illegal purchase, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms or ammunition) and Part 2 of Article 213 (hooliganism committed by a group of people).

A court has today ruled to remand Yuri Chabuyev in custody pending trial.

As became known earlier, on 14 May 2016, three people were killed and more than 30 were wounded during a fight and a shootout near the central entrance to Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow. All the wounded were taken to hospitals and are getting necessary medical aid.

40 investigators and 12 expert criminalists continue working on the case. At the moment money is considered as the main motive for the crime. Information that the crime was committed on the nationality motive has not been confirmed. The specialists have seized from the crime scene a non-fatal Kalashnikov machine gun, two non-fatal pistols, as well as over 300 objects that would be processed for evidence by 18 forensic examinations. More than 100 people have been questioned.

By now all the persons under investigation have been remanded in custody pending trial. Charges are expected. A number of investigative and search operations are underway to find out all the details of the crime.