
Probe launched against Maritime Territory police officers

Based on the material provided by the Maritime Territory Office of the Federal Security Service the Sixth Department of the Investigative Committee’s Directorate (based in the city of Khabarovsk) has opened an investigation in taking a bribe via a middleman by deputy chief of the investigative department of the Maritime Territory Office of the Interior Ministry.

According to investigators, the police officer received a bribe via an intermediary from his subordinate investigators for assisting in getting higher bonuses than other officers, as well as for not prosecuting him for malpractice and for further connivance.

By now the two suspects – the bribe-taker and the middleman have been detained. The investigators are checking if other police officers were involved in the crime.

The offices and residences of the suspects are being searched, witnesses are being interrogated and other investigative operations are underway to find the bribe money and other evidence.

The investigators are going to ask courts to place all the suspects in custody pending trial. The investigation is ongoing.