
In the Vladimir region, Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Vyacheslavovich Fedorov took part in the work of the international discussion club “Dialogue”

Today in Vladimir, at the Regional House of Friendship, a regular meeting of the international discussion club "Dialogue" took place, bringing together representatives from various countries to discuss current issues of social and political life. This time, the topic of the meeting was "Preservation of Cultural Heritage as a Factor in the Development of Russian Statehood."

In addition to delegates from eleven countries, the meeting was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, a member of the Presidium of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, Alexander Vyacheslavovich Fedorov. The meeting was also attended by the leadership of the regional executive and legislative authorities, representatives of educational and other public organizations.

The Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia delivered a report on the topic "Criminal-legal Protection of Cultural Values." Alexander Vyacheslavovich spoke about the comprehensive work of the department in preserving cultural heritage sites, the criminal-legal aspects of this activity, and noted the principled position of the investigative authorities on this issue. He highlighted examples of successful criminal investigations that allowed to prevent cultural objects from destruction and prevent them from being taken out of Russia. Alexander Vyacheslavovich also touched upon the institute of criminal liability of legal entities, which is being discussed in the legal community.