
Yacht, small vessel accident and death of man checked in Ivanovo Region

On 13 July 2013, at about 3 o’clock a yacht and a small vessel owned by a local man collided in the Volga in Kineshmsky district, Ivanovo Region. One man was killed in the accident.

According to preliminary data the small vessel of Kazanka kind was transporting 7 passengers from one bank to the other. When it was sailing near the town of Kineshma, a yacht owned by a local man was moving in the opposite direction. One person was killed in the accident and 4 others with different injuries (on is in resuscitation) were delivered to hospitals in Ivanovo Region. The captain of the yacht rendered the injured first aid, pulled them out on the bank and called an ambulance and personnel of the State Small Vessels Inspectorate.

The Yaroslavl Transport Investigations Directorate of Northwestern Transport Investigations Directorate is conducting a procedural check into the incident. A procedural decision will be made based on the results of the check.