
Officials of Saratov municipality administration suspected of corruption in Saratov Region

Saratov Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s investigative Committee have launched a criminal investigation against acting head of Saratov municipality administration and his deputy over signs of a crime under part 2 and paragraphs “a” and “c” of part 5 of article 290 of the RF Criminal Code (taking a considerable bribe by an official, committed by a group of persons under a preliminary conspiracy on a large scale).

According to investigators in the period between spring and 17 July 2013, the head of administration and his deputy demanded from the head of a commercial organization to give them a bribe of 300 thousand rubles through a mediator for assisting in concluding a service contract with a municipal facility under the district administration. On 22 July 2013 the said officials received from the businessman a part of the bribe of 100 thousand rubles. In addition the deputy head of administration at the same period of time demanded from another person a bribe of 50 thousand rubles through a mediator for assisting in prolongation of the permit to build a facility in Saratov district. The bribe was given to her on 22 July 2013. The persons from whom and through whom the officials demanded the bribes reported the crime to the law enforcement. The acting head of administration and his deputy were detained after they had received the money.

Search and investigating operations are underway to gather and consolidate the evidence. Investigation is ongoing.