
Check into crash of single-engine plane in Orenburg Region

A crash of a single engine airplane in Tashlinsky district, Orenburg Region was reported today around 10:25 PM. The investigating bodies of the Urals transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee are conducting a pre-investigating check into the signs of a crime under part 1 of article 263 of the RF Criminal Code (violation of safety rules for traffic and operation of air transport entailing by negligence large damage).

According to preliminary data an Ural-R16 hang glider crashed while flying over steppes near the village of Toshla, Orenburg Region. The owner of the hang glider was watching from the take-off spot. The aircraft was carrying a pilot Alexander Karasyov born in 1978 and a passenger Dmitry Kandalov born in 1986. Both of them were killed in the crash.

At the moment the bodies have been sent for the analyses, the owner of the hang glider is being questioned. Measures are being taken to find all the circumstances and eye witnesses. Investigators are establishing whether the aircraft was registered with the Federal Agency for Air Transport. A procedural decision will be made based on the results of the check.