
Criminal case opened against officials of Moscow customs of Central customs office of Federal Customs Service of Russia

Moscow Inter-Regional Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched a criminal investigation against first deputy and deputy head of Moscow customs of Central customs office of Federal Customs Service of Russia Colonel of customs service Alexey Pavlov and Lieutenant Colonel of customs service Igor Sirotkin and head of Department for protection of intellectual property of the same customs office Alexey Mitrokin. They are suspected of a crime under part 1 of article 285 of the RF Criminal Code (abuse of office).

According to investigators, Pavlov, Sirotkin and Mitrokhin, wanting to make it appear that they had positive results in revealing facts of illegal trafficking of piracy products through customs border, while there were none, made a criminal conspiracy to commit malfeasances.

According to their plan, they organized international posting of piracy products from non-existent sender in Moscow to non-existent recipient in Tallinn to be revealed by officials of a customs station of International Head Post Office of Moscow customs. With this purpose Sirotkin purchased such products. Then together with Mitrokhin they packed it in two boxes, organized it to be delivered in a branch of Post of Russia and be ready to go. On 17 June 2013, when the two boxes were going through X-ray control a customs officer of the customs station of International Head Post Office initiated their customs survey. The survey found the piracy products. The said circumstances and Sirotkin’s and Mitrokhin’s internal documents endorsed by Pavlov were the bases for two orders signed by acting chief of Moscow customs of Central customs office of Federal Customs Service of Russia Pavlov on paying 182 thousand 693 rubles in bonuses to 7 officials, 26 thousand 456 rubles of which were received by Mitrokhin in person.

At present searches on the offices of the suspects and other investigating operations are underway to find all the circumstances of the crimes and find other accomplices from officials of Moscow customs of Central customs office of Federal Customs Service of Russia. Investigation is ongoing.